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“Life is Physics” by Katherine Wright

An interesting article entitled “Life is Physics”  by Katherine Wright, Senior Editor of APS Physics, published: January 11, 2019, APS Physics 12, 2

“Physicists are on the hunt for a “theory of life” that explains why life can exist…….they are on the hunt for a mathematical theory based on these principles ( complexity and order ..etc) that explains why life can exist and how it behaves. Such a theory, they say, could allow researchers to control and manipulate living systems in ways that are currently impossible.”


1- Life is Physics: Evolution as a Collective Phenomenon Far From Equilibrium
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics
Vol. 2:375-399 (Volume publication date March 2011)
First published online as a Review in Advance on January 3, 2011
Nigel Goldenfeld and Carl Woese

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2- Automated, predictive, and interpretable inference of C. elegans escape dynamics
Bryan C. Daniels, William S. Ryu, Ilya Nemenman
(Submitted on 25 Sep 2018)



Notes of *George Ellis * ( Hawking co-author) on  Facebook CTPA page :

“Life is Physics: Evolution as a Collective Phenomenon Far From Equilibrium” – the first statement is wrong, no it ain’t physics: it’s essentially different (see my paper just posted). Life obeys physics laws of course, but you can’t reduce life to physics. Just for starters. physics variables do not characterise if a chunk of matter is alive or not. “Living” is not a physics concept. Check any physics textbook.The second statement is a correct but insufficient characterisation using physics terms – yes life is a Collective Phenomenon Far From Equilibrium. So is a fire or candle. Or volcano or Rayleigh Benard convection https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh%E2%80%93B%C3%A9nard_convection . They are not alive.

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