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Lunar Eclipse in Amman 16 July, 2019 Observing the Lunar eclipse from RCSSTE


Partial Lunar Eclipse

Local Type: Partial Lunar Eclipse, in Amman

Begins: Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 21:43

Maximum: Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 00:30 0.65 Magnitude

Ends: Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 03:17

Duration: 5 hours, 34 minutes


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Time Event Direction (Deg) Altitude (Deg)

Tue, 16 Jul

Penumbral Eclipse begins: The Earth’s penumbra start touching the Moon’s face. 136 21.2

Tue, 16 Jul

Partial Eclipse begins: Partial moon eclipse starts – moon is getting red. 153 30.5

Wed, 17 Jul

Maximum Eclipse: Moon is closest to the center of the shadow. 176 35.4

Wed, 17 Jul

Partial Eclipse ends: Partial moon eclipse ends. 200 32.6

Wed, 17 Jul

Penumbral Eclipse ends: The Earth’s penumbra ends. 218 24.7

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